Wednesday, August 01, 2012


It's been months since I posted! I think I am just completely bored with my blog so I am going to change it up, buy a nice design and move it...hopefully, that will motivate me to post more regularly! I like to have my blog to look back on and of course it's nice to meet the odd person who drops by to say hello too so I do want to continue - I'll just do it in a different way and maybe with a different name...we'll see!

In the meantime, if there is anyone still out there, here are a few snaps from around my home that I took using Instagram recently!


Catherine said...

Woo, you are back : )
I love your blanket so very much. That's on my wish list, but I think it might be a loooong time before I get one. Love your house too x

Catherine said...

Woo, you are back : )
I love your blanket so very much. That's on my wish list, but I think it might be a loooong time before I get one. Love your house too x